Thursday, July 15, 2010

Space-A Globemaster to Germany Enroute to Frontlines

I was waiting patiently at the air terminal in Andrews Air Force Base. I had just four hours to prepare to get here.  Would I make the flight or would I have to return home hoping to catch another flight later this week?

I had the pleasure of flying a C-17 Globemaster III Medevac flight from the 172nd Guard AW out of Mississippi-Jackson.  We flew from Andrews Air Force Base to Ramstein, Germany.

Onboard the plane was none other than CNN Pentagon Correspondent, Barbara Starr.  Barbara was on the way to Afghanistan to cover a medevac story with the Air Mobility Command.

I had the pleasure to work with Barbara at the News Desk at DoD in 2006--2008.  She is a first class journalist who is quick and very thorough.

I also have nothing but words of praise for the medevac crews.  I worked with them a lot while serving at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda.

During the first week of August, the CNN coverage will air in a 3-day series

Barbara Starr with Jon Stock just outside the C-17 in Afghanistan

To read the story, please click here.

The Journey Home from the Frontlines of War

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